Creating a homeschool that is unapologetically Lutheran might seem like a daunting task. Especially when we consider how many homeschooling resources out there are unapologetically NOT Lutheran.
Yet it is worth our time and effort to find the books that encourage us toward sound Biblical doctrine, and bring piety into our home.
Below I am sharing three books that every Lutheran homeschool should have. These books will encourage you in your efforts to create an unapologetically Lutheran home and homeschool.

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First – the 3 books your probably already have at home
We begin by making the (hopefully not unfounded) assumption you already own these three books (if you don’t, the links in parenthesis are clickable, or you can talk with your pastor about helping you secure these valuable resources for your home.
A Lutheran Study Bible (Amazon Concordia)
Luther’s Small Catechism (Amazon Concordia)
Lutheran Service Book (Amazon Concordia)
In our home, we have found value in owning several of each of the above books. These are items we have invested in over the years, and have received as gifts from church. Please talk to your pastor and/or church secretary about helping you get these resources into your home.
Three books every lutheran homeschool should have
To be sure, this list could be much, much longer than just three books. For now, let’s focus on just three books.
These three books have been instrumental in our homeschool as we work to create an environment that provides a well-rounded education and points our children to Christ.
When you are able, I highly recommend purchasing these books for your own personal library, to be read and referenced often.
- Eternal Treasures: Teaching Your Child at Home by Cheryl Swope and Rachel Whiting- Eternal Treasures was written by Lutheran homeschoolers for Lutheran homeschoolers. In fact, if you think the name Cheryl Swope sounds familiar, it’s because she writes the curriculum “Simply Classical” for Memoria Press. Personally, I have found Eternal Treasure to be an invaluable resource for creating an unapologetically Lutheran homeschool.
- A Handbook for Classical Lutheran Education: The Best of The Consortium for Classical and Lutheran Education’s Journals – Even if you do not consider your homeschool to be classical, The Consortium for Classical Lutheran Education (CCLE- find them at produces excellent resources about Lutheran education. The Handbook for Classical Lutheran Education is a collection of the best articles from CCLE and it does an absolutely fantastic job weaving together Lutheran doctrine with the importance of education. It is a great reference to keep on your shelf.
- Thank, Praise, Serve, and Obey: Recover the Joys of Piety by William Weedon – If you’re thinking this author’s name sounds familiar, he is the host of the Lutheran podcast “The Word of the Lord Endures Forever“. Although not specific to homeschoolers, Thank, Praise, Serve, and Obey focuses on bringing piety into our homes. Certainly, a homeschool that seeks to be unapologetically Lutheran can benefit from more piety. Many of the ideas we incorporate into our daily homeschool or that I write into my Lutheran homeschool curriculum have been largely inspired by this book.
As I said before, this list of books could be much, much longer. There is a plethora of wonderful Lutheran resources that can aid us in creating piety and daily rhythms in our homeschool that point us to Christ.
a final book for your lutheran homeschool
A common question from Lutheran homeschoolers is “Is there a Lutheran homeschool curriculum?”
The quickest answer to that question is that there is not one official Lutheran homeschool curriculum.
However, The Faithful Homeschool is pleased to offer Solus Christus: the Bible curriculum for LCMS homeschool families.
This curriculum was written by a Lutheran homeschooler for Lutheran homeschoolers and would make a wonderful addition to any conservative, confessional Lutheran homeschool.
Quick Summary: Here is the List of the 3 Books Your Lutheran Homeschool Should Have
If you are looking for a good place to start – these are my top three books every Lutheran homeschool should have (in addition to the Bible, Catechism, and hymnal of course):
Eternal Treasures: Teaching Your Child at Home by Cheryl Swope and Rachel Whiting
Thank, Praise, Serve, and Obey: Recover the Joys of Piety by William Weedon
Bonus: Solus Christus – the Bible curriculum for LCMS homeschool families by The Faithful Homeschool
What books do you find essential to your Lutheran homeschool? Please share in the comments below.
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