Below you will find suggested resources, activities, books and more for the eight unit studies that accompany the Solus Christus Bible curriculum.
Remember that the goal of these unit studies is to help you bring the church year and church history into your home, and to help you create traditions with your family surrounding each church season.
Be sure to bookmark this page and check it regularly for new resources for each unit study.
Jump To A Unit Study:
Click the unit study below to be taken directly to that resources for that unit.
Lutheran Basics: learn about the rich traditions of the Lutheran heritage
Martin Luther & The Reformation: learn more about Martin Luther & The Reformation and how it shaped the Lutheran church today
These unit studies are an optional and bonus part of the Solus Christus Bible curriculum. You are free to complete the lessons and activities as the best fit into your schedule.
As you plan each week and trimester of your school year, choose activities and readings from the list and add them to your unit study lessons.
You may choose as many activities as you like, or you may choose not to complete any at all!
Each Unit Study is broken up into three categories:
- Books & Suggested Readings
- Activities – these might include things like baking or arts & crafts projects
- Additional Resources – these might include links to videos or interactive websites, etc.
I have tried to include as many live links as possible to make planning easy for you. Some of the live links might be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission when you purchase through the link, at no additional cost to you.
Click below to download a reading schedule for the book Kids in the Divine Service. This would be a great schedule to use with young children who are just starting to learn about Divine Service – or any child who is unfamiliar with the order of service.
The book “Kids in the Divine Service” is also linked below under “Books & Suggest Readings”.
Books & Suggested Readings
Kids in the Divine Service (Amazon)
Lutheranism 101 (Amazon Concordia)
Lutheranism 101: For Kids (Amazon Concordia)
Additional Resources
Titus Classics is a small business owned by a wonderful Lutheran woman.
She is passionate about giving children a classical education and she creates Latin coloring books. The following books are a wonderful way to teach your children about traditions of the church AND Latin!
Latin in Church Coloring Book (Amazon)
Fruits of the Spirit Coloring Book (Amazon)
The Apostle’s Creed: A Latin Coloring Book (Amazon)
Click below to download an eight-lesson unit study on Martin Luther and the Reformation
This Martin Luther unit study was included with the original Solus Christus Bible curriculum and offers a more curated unit study. The unit study includes eight lessons, a coloring page of Luther’s seal, and two poems related to the unit.
Books & Suggested Readings
Martin Luther: A Man Who Changed the World (Amazon Concordia)
Who was Martin Luther? – A short an easy to read article from the LCMS New Jersey District about Martin Luther
Martin Luther Flannelgraph (Concordia)
Additional Resources – this website was produced by the LCMS church in honor of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017; it provides a wealth of information about the Reformation and has many fun & interactive features & videos
Church History – an article about the history of the LCMS church
Luther’s Seal – background information on Luther’s seal
Click below to download the eight-lesson unit study on Advent.
Books & Suggested Readings
Saint Nicholas: The Real Story of the Christmas Legend (Amazon Concordia)
O Come, O Come Emmanuel illustrated by Edward Riojas (Amazon Concordia)
Click here to follow my Advent board on Pinterest for more ideas and activities to help your family bring the Advent season to life in your home.
**disclaimer: while I try to be selective in the resources I recommend, there are very few Advent activities that are from a Lutheran background – these activities are meant to serve as inspiration and may not always align with sound Biblical doctrine or Lutheran theology**
Additional Resources
Counting to Christmas: Family Advent Devotions and Calendar (Amazon Concordia)
Jesse Tree Family Activity Kit (Concordia)
Sacred Songs of Christmas (Amazon Concordia)
Advent Wreath for littles (no real candles!!) (Amazon)
Traditional Advent Wreath (real candles) (Amazon)
Click here for ideas to celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas
Click here to access the Epiphany Unit Study
Click here to access the Lent Unit Study
coming soon